Maleta de lectura - Departamento de Inglés

Bibliografía por niveis

O Departamento de Inglés ofrece esta bibliografía agrupada por cursos, en relación cos niveis de referencia:

The adventures of captain Crossbones
Grade: 1 ESO. 800 words. Level A1 (Beginner)

The abandoned house
Grade: 2 ESO. 800 words. Level A1 (Beginner)

The black cat and other stories
Grade: 3 ESO. 1200 words. Level A2 (Pre-intermediate)

Stories from Shakespeare
Grade: 3 ESO. 1200 words. Level A2 (Pre-intermediate)

The lost world
Grade: 3 ESO. 1200 words. Level A2 (Pre-intermediate)

The African queen
Grade: 4 ESO. 1500 - 1700 words. Level A2 (Pre-intermediate)

The thirty nine steps
Grade: 4 ESO. 1500 - 1700 words. Level A2 (Pre-intermediate)

A Connecticut Yankee in king Arthur´s court
Grade: 1 Bach. 1700 - 2200 words. Level B1 (Intermediate)

Gothic short stories
Grade: 1 Bach. 1700 - 2200 words. Level B1 (Intermediate)

Brave new world
Grade: 2 Bach. 1.700 - 2.200 words. Level B1 (Intermediate / Upperintermediate)

A foreigner in New York
Grade: 2 Bach. 1.700 - 2.200 words. Level B1 (Intermediate / Upperintermediate)

No programa oficial non traballamos os niveis C1 e C2 pero no Club de lectura ímonos atrever con Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Atréveste ti tamén?

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